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Transitional behaviour in the transformation from active end planes to stable loops caused by annealing
Morinobu Endo
Byoung-Ju Lee
Yoong Ahm Kim
Yong-jung Kim
Hiroyuki Muramatsu
Takahashi Yanagisawa
Takuya Hayashi
Dresselhaus Mildred
Acceso Abierto
"Here we investigate the stabilization process on the active outer/inner surfaces (or the end plane of a graphene sheet) for shortened cup-stacked-type carbon nanotubes caused by annealing, utilizing both analytic and electrochemical techniques. The suggested schematic procedure for loop formation is as follows: (a) formation of single-type loops between neighbouring truncated conical graphene layers at 900–1200?°C through a zipping mechanism after the evolution of hydrogen gas; (b) the transition from single- to multi-type loops above 1500?°C accompanying a decrease in specific surface area."
IOP Publishing
M Endo et al 2003 New J. Phys. 5 121
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Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones Científicas Nanociencias y Materiales

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