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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2015Integrable equations with Ermakov–Pinney nonlinearities and Chiellini dampingArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU16-Aug-2017
Jun-2010Observation of magnetic edge state in graphene nanoribbonsArtículoHiroyuki Muramatsu; JESSICA ROSAURA CAMPOS DELGADO; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS; ANDRES RAFAEL BOTELLO MENDEZ; HUMBERTO TERRONES MALDONADO; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred9-Nov-2017
2015Solitones no autónomos en fibras ópticasArtículoMAXIMINO PEREZ MALDONADO; HARET CODRATIAN ROSU12-Sep-2017
2013Inhomogeneous barotropic FRW cosmologies with constant-shifted conformal hubble parametersArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU18-Sep-2017
Jan-2012Hybridization vs. bond stretching isomerism in Ru(II) cyclometalated complexes of 2-phenylpyridineArtículoBertha Molina; LARISSA ALEXANDROVA; Ronan Le Lagadec; LUIS ENRIQUE SANSORES CUEVAS; DAVID RIOS JARA; FRANCISCO ESPINOSA MAGAÑA15-Nov-2017
2015Eigenvalue problems, spectral parameter power series, and modern applicationsArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU22-Aug-2017
May-2014High-quality InN films on MgO (100) substrates: the key role of 30 degrees in-plane rotation ArtículoVICENTE DAMIAN COMPEAN GARCIA; IGNACIO EVERARDO OROZCO HINOSTROZA; ARTURO ESCOBOSA ECHAVARRIA; EDGAR LOPEZ LUNA; ANGEL GABRIEL RODRIGUEZ VAZQUEZ14-Nov-2017
2013Scaling analyses based on wavelet transforms for the Talbot effectArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU23-Aug-2017
2011Parametric oscillators from factorizations employing a constant-shifted Riccati solution of the classical harmonic oscillatorArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU23-Aug-2017
2010Periodic Sturm–Liouville problems related to two Riccati equations of constant coefficientsArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU16-Aug-2017
