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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2014Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of Co@Au core-shell nanoparticles encapsulated by nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubesArtículoEmilio Muñoz Sandoval; NESTOR PEREA LOPEZ; RODOLFO LIMA JUAREZ; GLADIS JUDITH LABRADA DELGADO; BEATRIZ ADRIANA RIVERA ESCOTO; Adalberto Zamudio Ojeda; Héctor Gabriel Silva Pereyra; EMMANUEL ROBLES AVILA; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO11-Feb-2019
2018Efficient carbon nanotube sponges production boosted by acetone in CVD-SynthesisArtículoALEJANDRO JAVIER CORTES LOPEZ; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS11-Feb-2019
2017Carbon sponge-type nanostructures based on coaxial nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes grown by CVD using benzylamine as precursorArtículoEmilio Muñoz Sandoval; ALEJANDRO JAVIER CORTES LOPEZ; BEATRIZ FLORES GOMEZ; JUAN LUIS FAJARDO DIAZ; ROQUE SANCHEZ SALAS; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS11-Feb-2019
2014Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of defective nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes encapsulating ferromagnetic nanoparticlesArtículoMARIA LUISA GARCIA BETANCOURT; YADIRA ITZEL VEGA CANTU; SOFIA MAGDALENA VEGA DIAZ; Aarón Morelos Gómez; NESTOR PEREA LOPEZ; Rodolfo Cruz Silva; Humberto Terrones Maldonado; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval3-Apr-2019
2014Pine-tree-like morphologies of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes: Electron field emission enhancementArtículoMARIA LUISA GARCIA BETANCOURT; NESTOR PEREA LOPEZ; SOFIA MAGDALENA VEGA DIAZ; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS; ANA LAURA ELIAS ARRIAGA; JOSUE ORTIZ MEDINA; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO2-Apr-2019
2014Trends in nanoscience, nanotechnology, and carbon nanotubes: a bibliometric approachArtículoEmilio Muñoz Sandoval2-Apr-2019
2015Formation and atomic structure of hierarchical boron nitride nanostructuresArtículoRAMON ANTONIO SILVA MOLINA; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval; ROGELIO GAMEZ CORRALES; Ricardo Guirado López3-Apr-2019
2016Cobalt double-ring and double-dot structures: Magnetic propertiesArtículoFLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS; José Jesús Torres Hereida; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval9-Apr-2019
2018Two sprayer CVD synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon sponge-type nanomaterialsArtículoEmilio Muñoz Sandoval; JUAN LUIS FAJARDO DIAZ; ROQUE SANCHEZ SALAS; ALEJANDRO JAVIER CORTES LOPEZ; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS10-Apr-2019
2018Wrinkled nitrogen-doped carbon beltsArtículoJUAN LUIS FAJARDO DIAZ; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval10-Apr-2019
