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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Oct-2013SERS properties of different sized and shaped gold nanoparticles biosynthesized under different environmental conditions by Neurospora crassa extractArtículoKATRIN QUESTER; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; ALFREDO RAFAEL VILCHIS NESTOR; MARCO ANTONIO CAMACHO LOPEZ; ERNESTINA CASTRO LONGORIA5-Dec-2017
Oct-2014Ultrastructural analysis of Candida albicans when exposed to silver nanoparticlesArtículoROBERTO VAZQUEZ MUÑOZ; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; ERNESTINA CASTRO LONGORIA5-Dec-2017
May-2014Enhanced refrigerant capacity in two-phase nanocrystalline/amorphous NdPrFe17 melt-spun ribbonsArtículoCESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; PABLO JESUS IBARRA GAYTAN; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; Pablo Álvarez-Alonso; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez14-Nov-2017
2013Obtención y caracterización de nanopartículas de plata soportadas en fibra de algodónArtículoALFREDO RAFAEL VILCHIS NESTOR; VICTOR SANCHEZ MENDIETA; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA6-Dec-2017
Apr-2016Controllable biosynthesis of small silver nanoparticles using fungal extractArtículoKATRIN QUESTER; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; ERNESTINA CASTRO LONGORIA12-Mar-2018
Sep-2016Platinum nanoclusters in silica: Photoluminescent properties and their application for enhancing the emission of silicon nanocrystals in an integrated configurationArtículoHECTOR GABRIEL SILVA PEREYRA; Luis Rodriguez_Fernandez; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA9-Mar-2018
2018Dual function of EDTA with silver nanoparticles for root canal treatment-A novel modificationArtículoJUAN MANUEL MARTINEZ ANDRADE; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; ALFREDO RAFAEL VILCHIS NESTOR; LUIS OCTAVIO SANCHEZ VARGAS; ERNESTINA CASTRO LONGORIA11-Jun-2019
2018High-pressure synthesis of β-Ir4B5 and determination of the compressibility of various iridium boridesArtículoBenedikt Petermüller; Christopher Neun; Klaus Wurst; Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal; Dominik Zimmer; Wolfgang Morgenroth; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; IGNACIO GUADALUPE BECERRIL JUAREZ; Martin Johann Mühlbauer; Björn Winkler; Hubert Huppertz5-Sep-2019
2016Tuning emission in violet, blue, green and red in cubic GaN/InGaN/GaN quantum wellsArtículoIgnacio Everardo Orozco Hinostroza; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; VICENTE DAMIAN COMPEAN GARCIA; Angel Rodriguez; Edgar López Luna; MIGUEL ANGEL VIDAL BORBOLLA6-Sep-2019
2016Termination of hollow core nanopipes in GaN by an AlN interlayerArtículoOSCAR EDEL CONTRERAS LOPEZ; FRANCISCO RUIZ ZEPEDA; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; Armin Dadgar; Alois Krost6-Sep-2019
