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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Jul-2009Loop formation in graphitic nanoribbon edges using furnace heating or Joule heatingArtículoXiaoting Jia; JESSICA ROSAURA CAMPOS DELGADO; EDGAR EDUARDO GRACIA ESPINO; Mario Hofmann; Hiroyuki Muramatsu; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred30-Oct-2017
Apr-2016Controllable biosynthesis of small silver nanoparticles using fungal extractArtículoKATRIN QUESTER; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; ERNESTINA CASTRO LONGORIA12-Mar-2018
Apr-2017Understanding the ion-induced elongation of silver nanoparticles embedded in silicaArtículoOvidio Peña Rodríguez; José Olivares; Luis Rodriguez_Fernandez; HECTOR GABRIEL SILVA PEREYRA; ANTONIO RIVERA20-Mar-2018
2014Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of Co@Au core-shell nanoparticles encapsulated by nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubesArtículoEmilio Muñoz Sandoval; NESTOR PEREA LOPEZ; RODOLFO LIMA JUAREZ; GLADIS JUDITH LABRADA DELGADO; BEATRIZ ADRIANA RIVERA ESCOTO; Adalberto Zamudio Ojeda; Héctor Gabriel Silva Pereyra; EMMANUEL ROBLES AVILA; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO11-Feb-2019
2018Synthesis of ZnMn2O4 nanoparticles by a microwave-assisted colloidal method and their evaluation as a gas sensor of propane and carbon monoxideArtículoJUAN PABLO MORAN LAZARO; ERWIN SAID GUILLEN LOPEZ; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval; OSCAR BLANCO ALONSO; Héctor Guillén Bonilla; ALEX GUILLEN BONILLA; VERONICA MARIA RODRIGUEZ BETANCOURTT; Marciano Sánchez Tizapa; María de la Luz Olvera Amador11-Sep-2019
2018Synthesis of carbon nano-onions doped with nitrogen using spray pyrolisisArtículoEDUARDO TOVAR MARTINEZ; JOSE ADAN MORENO TORRES; JORGE VALENTIN CABRERA SALAZAR; MARISOL REYES REYES; Luis Felipe Cházaro Ruiz; ROMAN LOPEZ SANDOVAL25-Feb-2020
2020Heterojunction of CuO nanoclusters with TiO2 for photo-oxidation of organic compounds and for hydrogen productionArtículoMaría Guadalupe Méndez Medrano; Ewa Kowalska; Bunsho Ohtani; DANIEL BAHENA URIBE; Christophe Colbeau Justin; Sven Rau; JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ LOPEZ; Hynd Remita26-Mar-2021
2020Superparamagnetic state in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films obtained by rf-sputteringArtículoMAYRA CECILIA RAMIREZ CAMACHO; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Mario A. Curiel; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Jesús M. Siqueiros; OSCAR RAYMOND HERRERA20-May-2021
2022Environmental Nanoparticles Reach Human Fetal BrainsArtículoLILIAN OFELIA CALDERON GARCIDUEÑAS; ANGEL AUGUSTO PEREZ CALATAYUD; ANGELICA GONZALEZ MACIEL; RAFAEL REYNOSO ROBLES; Héctor Gabriel Silva Pereyra; Andrea Ramos Morales; RICARDO TORRES JARDON; Candelario de Jesús Soberanes Cerino; Raúl Carrillo Esper; JESÚS CARLOS BRIONES GARDUÑO; Yazmin del Socorro Conde Gutiérrez14-Feb-2024
