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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Jan-2009Strong and stable photoluminescence from the semiconducting inner tubes within double walled carbon nanotubesArtículoHiroyuki Muramatsu; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred27-Oct-2017
2009Controlled growth of one-dimensional clusters of molybdenum atoms using double-walled carbon nanotube templatingArtículoHiroyuki Muramatsu; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred27-Oct-2017
Dec-2008Diameter-selective separation of double-walled carbon nanotubesArtículoHiroyuki Muramatsu; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred23-Oct-2017
May-2007Polystryrene grafting of CNx nanotubes for the elaboration of polystyrene-based nanocompositesTesis de doctoradoMARIAMNE DEHONOR GOMEZ-
Aug-2010Synthesis of nanocomposites from polyaniline, polypyrrole and carbon nanotubes, and unzipping of multi-walled carbon nanotubes for the obtention of new graphitic nanomaterialsTesis de doctoradoABRAHAM GUADALUPE CANO MARQUEZ-
Aug-2010Controlling chemical and physical properties of ordered carbon nanosystemsTesis de doctoradoAARON MORELOS GOMEZ-
2017Cytotoxicity induced by carbon nanotubes in experimental malignant gliomaArtículoSAMUEL ROMANO FEINHOLZ; EMILIO MUÑOZ SANDOVAL; ROXANA MAGAÑA MALDONADO; EDGAR RANGEL LOPEZ; ALBERTO GONZALEZ AGUILAR; julio Sotelo; VERONICA PEREZ DE LA CRUZ; Benjamin Pineda20-Aug-2018
2014Trends in nanoscience, nanotechnology, and carbon nanotubes: a bibliometric approachArtículoEmilio Muñoz Sandoval2-Apr-2019
2019Impact of Carbon Nanomaterials on the Antioxidant System of Tomato SeedlingsArtículoYOLANDA GONZALEZ GARCIA; ELSY RUBISELA LOPEZ VARGAS; Gregorio Cadenas Pliego; Adalberto Benavides Mendoza; SUSANA GONZALEZ MORALES; ARMANDO ROBLEDO OLIVO; Ángel Gabriel Alpuche Solís; ANTONIO JUAREZ MALDONADO13-Jan-2021
2020Pyrrolic nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes using ball-milled slag-SiC mixtures as a catalyst by aerosol assisted chemical vapor depositionArtículoSOFIA MAGDALENA VEGA DIAZ; VIVIANA JEHOVA GONZALEZ VELAZQUEZ; Aarón Morelos Gómez; FERDINANDO TRISTAN LOPEZ; GLADIS JUDITH LABRADA DELGADO; BEATRIZ ADRIANA RIVERA ESCOTO; ROQUE SANCHEZ SALAS; ALEJANDRO JAVIER CORTES LOPEZ; JUAN LUIS FAJARDO DIAZ; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval20-Apr-2021
