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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
May-2014On the broadening of the magnetic entropy change due to Curie temperature distributionArtículoPablo Álvarez-Alonso; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Victorino Franco; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez7-Nov-2017
Jan-2014Giant magnetocaloric effect in melt-spun Ni-Mn-Ga ribbons with magneto-multistructural transformationArtículoCESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES14-Nov-2017
May-2014Enhanced refrigerant capacity in two-phase nanocrystalline/amorphous NdPrFe17 melt-spun ribbonsArtículoCESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; PABLO JESUS IBARRA GAYTAN; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; Pablo Álvarez-Alonso; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez14-Nov-2017
Feb-2016Enhanced refrigerant capacity in Gd-Al-Co microwires with a biphase nanocrystalline/amorphous structureArtículoJOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Huan Wang; FAXIANG QIN28-Feb-2018
Apr-2017Room temperature ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in strained multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SiO2/Si substratesArtículoMAYRA CECILIA RAMIREZ CAMACHO; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; JOSE JUAN GERVACIO ARCINIEGA; Mario A. Curiel; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; OSCAR RAYMOND HERRERA29-Aug-2018
Dec-2017Broad first-order magnetic entropy change curve in directionally solidified polycrystalline Ni-Co-Mn-InArtículoFENG CHEN; Yunxiang Tong; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES29-Aug-2018
Dec-2017Transformation behavior and magnetocaloric effect in Mn1−xCrxCoGe (x = 0.04 and 0.11) melt-spun ribbons tailored by heat treatmentArtículoGerardo Daniel Pérez; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Pablo Álvarez Alonso; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Rastislav Varga; Volodymyr Chernenko; ARIS QUINTANA NEDELCOS29-Aug-2018
2018Magnetostructural transitions and magnetocaloric effects in Ni50Mn35In14.25B0.75 ribbonsArtículoSudip Pandey; Abdiel Quetz; Pablos Jesús Ibarra Gaytán; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Anil Aryal; Igor Dubenko; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Shane Stadler; Naushad Ali3-Sep-2019
2018Magnetic and martensitic transformations in Ni48Co2Mn35In15 melt-spun ribbonsArtículoSudip Pandey; Abdiel Quetz; Pablos Jesús Ibarra Gaytán; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Anil Aryal; Igor Dubenko; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Shane Stadler; Naushad Ali3-Sep-2019
2016Investigating the magnetic entropy change in single-phase Y2Fe17 melt-spun ribbonsArtículoJOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Pablo Álvarez Alonso; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Pablos Jesús Ibarra Gaytán; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez; Pedro Gorria4-Sep-2019
