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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
May-2015High-magnetic field characterization of magnetocaloric effect in FeZrB(Cu) amorphous ribbonsArtículoPablo Álvarez-Alonso; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez7-Nov-2017
May-2015Magnetic entropy table-like shape in RNi2 composites for cryogenic refrigerationArtículoPABLO JESUS IBARRA GAYTAN; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Pablo Álvarez-Alonso; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez7-Nov-2017
May-2013Magnetic entropy change and refrigerant capacity of rapidly solidified TbNi2 alloy ribbonsArtículoJOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; PABLO JESUS IBARRA GAYTAN; Pablo Álvarez-Alonso; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez2-Nov-2017
Oct-2013Texture-induced enhancement of the magnetocaloric response in melt-spun DyNi2 ribbonsArtículoPABLO JESUS IBARRA GAYTAN; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Pablo Álvarez-Alonso; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez14-Nov-2017
May-2014On the broadening of the magnetic entropy change due to Curie temperature distributionArtículoPablo Álvarez-Alonso; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Victorino Franco; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez7-Nov-2017
May-2014Enhanced refrigerant capacity in two-phase nanocrystalline/amorphous NdPrFe17 melt-spun ribbonsArtículoCESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; PABLO JESUS IBARRA GAYTAN; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; MIGUEL AVALOS BORJA; Pablo Álvarez-Alonso; Pedro Gorria; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez14-Nov-2017
2016Investigating the magnetic entropy change in single-phase Y2Fe17 melt-spun ribbonsArtículoJOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Pablo Álvarez Alonso; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Pablos Jesús Ibarra Gaytán; Jesús Angel Blanco Rodríguez; Pedro Gorria4-Sep-2019
2017On the correct estimation of the magnetic entropy change across the magneto-structural transition from the Maxwell relation: study of MnCoGeBx alloy ribbonsArtículoARIS QUINTANA NEDELCOS; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; Pablo Álvarez Alonso; Pedro Gorria; Precious Shamba; Nicola Morley5-Sep-2019
