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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2017Bioreactores empacados con fibras de carbón activado como mediadores redox en la biotransformación anaerobia de 4-Nitrofenol hacia 4-AminofenolArtículoHECTOR JAVIER AMEZQUITA GARCIA; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ; FRANCISCO JAVIER CERVANTES CARRILLO; ELIAS RAZO FLORES5-Jul-2018
Jan-2017Tailoring partially reduced graphene oxide as redox mediator for enhanced biotransformation of iopromide under methanogenic and sulfate-reducing conditionsArtículoEDUARDO TORAL SANCHEZ; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ; JUAN ALBERTO ASCACIO VALDES; Cristobal Aguilar; FRANCISCO JAVIER CERVANTES CARRILLO28-Aug-2018
2016Role of the intrinsic properties of partially reduced graphene oxides on the chemical transformation of iopromideArtículoEduardo Toral Sánchez; JUAN ALBERTO ASCACIO VALDES; CRISTOBAL NOE AGUILAR GONZALEZ; FRANCISCO JAVIER CERVANTES CARRILLO; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ4-Sep-2019
2018Graphene oxide triggers mass transfer limitations on the methanogenic activity of an anaerobic consortium with a particulate substrateArtículoJOSE IVAN BUENO LOPEZ; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ; Felipe Alatriste Mondragón; Fátima Pérez Rodríguez; VIRGINIA HERNANDEZ MONTOYA; FRANCISCO JAVIER CERVANTES CARRILLO12-Sep-2019
2019Improved reductive transformation of iopromide by magnetite containing reduced graphene oxide nanosacks as electron shuttlesArtículoEduardo Toral Sánchez; Robert H. Hurt; JUAN ALBERTO ASCACIO VALDES; Cristobal Aguilar; FRANCISCO JAVIER CERVANTES CARRILLO; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ16-Feb-2021
2020Methane production enhanced by reduced graphene oxide in an anaerobic consortium supplied with particulate and soluble substratesArtículoJOSE IVAN BUENO LOPEZ; ALEJANDRA DIAZ HINOJOSA; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ; Felipe Alatriste Mondragón; Fátima Pérez Rodríguez; VIRGINIA HERNANDEZ MONTOYA; FRANCISCO JAVIER CERVANTES CARRILLO25-May-2021
2020Biorecovery of Metals from a Stainless Steel Industrial Effluent through Denitrification Performed in a Novel Anaerobic Swirling Fluidized Membrane Bioreactor (ASFMBR)ArtículoJUAN ERNESTO RAMIREZ JUAREZ; SAUL ESQUIVEL GONZALEZ; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ; SONIA LORENA ARRIAGA GARCIA; MARISOL GALLEGOS GARCIA; Germán Buitrón; FRANCISCO JAVIER CERVANTES CARRILLO25-May-2021
