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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2008Riccati-parameter solutions of nonlinear second-order ODEsArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU21-Aug-2017
2008Effect of salt stress, proline, and polyamines on seed germination of Opuntia streptacanthaArtículoANA ERIKA OCHOA ALFARO; CLAUDIA OLIVIA SILVA ORTEGA; Alicia Becerra_Flora; JOEL DAVID FLORES RIVAS; JUAN FRANCISCO JIMENEZ BREMONT24-Oct-2017
Jul-2008Competing magnetic structures and magnetic transitions in Er(2)Ni(2)Pb: powder neutron diffraction measurementsArtículoEMILIO MUÑOZ SANDOVAL24-Oct-2017
Jul-2008Repetitive controller to compensate for (61+-1) harmonicsPatenteGERARDO ESCOBAR VALDERRAMA; PERLA GISEL HERNANDEZ BRIONES; PANFILO RAYMUNDO MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZ2-Oct-2017
Mar-2008Pattern formation by two precipitated species during solvent evaporationArtículoGERARDO LARA CISNEROS; ABIGAIL LOREDO OSTI; ALEJANDRO RICARDO FEMAT FLORES; Elias Perez24-Oct-2017
Jul-2008Effect of packing on the cohesive and electronic properties of methanofullerene crystalsArtículoJOSE MANUEL NAPOLES DUARTE; MARISOL REYES REYES; JOSE LUIS RICARDO CHAVEZ; RAUL GARIBAY ALONSO; ROMAN LOPEZ SANDOVAL24-Oct-2017
Aug-2008Anchorage of small cluster of manganese oxide, zinc oxide and silver on nitrogen doped and functionalized carbon nanotubesTesis de maestríaEDGAR EDUARDO GRACIA ESPINO-
Dec-2008Modelado del flujo de fluidos en una bomba para suministro de medicamentoTesis de maestríaCRESENCIO HERNANDEZ ROSALES-
Jul-2008Caracterización de ácidos fenólicos y flavonoides presentes en hojas de amaranto (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.)Tesis de maestríaRICARDO JOSE RODRIGUEZ ENRIQUEZ-
Aug-2008Construcción de un vector para clonar productos de PCRTesis de maestríaMARCELA CECILIA BRIONES MARTIN DEL CAMPO-
