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Issue Date | Title | Publication Type/ Resource Type | Author(s) | Submit Date |
Jan-2009 | Strong and stable photoluminescence from the semiconducting inner tubes within double walled carbon nanotubes | Artículo | Hiroyuki Muramatsu; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred | 27-Oct-2017 |
2009 | Controlled growth of one-dimensional clusters of molybdenum atoms using double-walled carbon nanotube templating | Artículo | Hiroyuki Muramatsu; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred | 27-Oct-2017 |
Dec-2008 | Diameter-selective separation of double-walled carbon nanotubes | Artículo | Hiroyuki Muramatsu; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Dresselhaus Mildred | 23-Oct-2017 |
May-2007 | Polystryrene grafting of CNx nanotubes for the elaboration of polystyrene-based nanocomposites | Tesis de doctorado | MARIAMNE DEHONOR GOMEZ | - |