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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Oct-2014Consenso en arreglos maestro-seguidores de agentes inercialesTesis de maestríaEBER JAFET AVILA MARITNEZ-
Apr-2014El receptor P2X4 del cobayo presenta un cambio puntual que altera su fenotipoTesis de doctoradoNESTOR NIVARDO JIMENEZ VARGAS-
May-2014High-quality InN films on MgO (100) substrates: the key role of 30 degrees in-plane rotation ArtículoVICENTE DAMIAN COMPEAN GARCIA; IGNACIO EVERARDO OROZCO HINOSTROZA; ARTURO ESCOBOSA ECHAVARRIA; EDGAR LOPEZ LUNA; ANGEL GABRIEL RODRIGUEZ VAZQUEZ14-Nov-2017
Jun-2014The relevance of burial to evade acorn predation in an oak forest affected by habitat loss and land use changesArtículoCARLOS RENATO RAMOS PALACIOS; ERNESTO IVAN BADANO4-Dec-2017
Jan-2014El silenciamiento local controla la respuesta al estrés oxidante y la resistencia multifarmacológica de Candida glabrataTesis de doctoradoEMMANUEL ORTA ZAVALZA-
Jun-2014Expanded use of a fast photography technique to characterize laser-induced plasma plumesArtículoMIGUEL ANGEL VALVERDE ALVA; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; CITLALI SANCHEZ AKE; ARIS QUINTANA NEDELCOS; MAYO VILLAGRAN MUNIZ1-Nov-2017
Nov-2014Microorganism degradation efficiency in BOD analysis formulating a specific microbial consortium in a pulp and paper mill effluentArtículoLUIS ALBERTO ORDAZ DIAZ; JUAN ANTONIO ROJAS CONTRERAS; OLGA MIRIAM RUTIAGA QUIÑONES; MARTHA ROCIO MORENO JIMENEZ; FELIPE ALATRISTE MONDRAGON; SERGIO VALLE CERVANTES7-Dec-2017
2014The VISHMOD methodology with hydrochemical modeling in intermountain (karstic) aquifers: case of the Sierra Madre Oriental, MexicoArtículoJANETE MORAN RAMIREZ; JOSE ALFREDO RAMOS LEAL12-Dec-2017
Feb-2014Signaling modulation in cells that control gastrointestinal motilityTesis de doctoradoRAUL LOERA VALENCIA-
2014Ermakov systems with multiplicative noiseArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU23-Aug-2017
