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Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Jan-2018Producción de biohidrógeno a partir de paja de trigo y podas de jatrofa con extracción in situTesis de maestríaHUGO ENRIQUE SERRATO NERIO6-Aug-2018
Apr-2018Coconut endocarp and mesocarp as both biosorbents of dissolved hydrocarbons in fuel spills and as a power source when exhaustedArtículoVICTOR HUGO LUIS ZARATE; MAYRA CECILIA RODRIGUEZ HERNANDEZ; FELIPE ALATRISTE MONDRAGON; LUIS FELIPE CHAZARO RUIZ; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ12-Apr-2018
Jan-2018Proteomic analysis of non-toxic Jatropha curcas byproduct cake: fractionation and identification of the major componentsArtículoANDRES LEON VILLANUEVA; JOSE ANGEL HUERTA OCAMPO; ALBERTO BARRERA PACHECO; SERGIO MEDINA GODOY; ANA PAULINA BARBA DE LA ROSA21-Jun-2018
Mar-2018Modification of Mikhailov stability criterion for fractional commensurate order systemsArtículoJESSICA CARMIN MENDIOLA FUENTES; DANIEL ALEJANDRO MELCHOR AGUILAR17-Apr-2018
2018Efficient carbon nanotube sponges production boosted by acetone in CVD-SynthesisArtículoALEJANDRO JAVIER CORTES LOPEZ; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS11-Feb-2019
2018Efficiency of quarantine and self-protection processes in epidemic spreading control on scale-free networksArtículoJOSE DE JESUS ESQUIVEL GOMEZ; JUAN GONZALO BARAJAS RAMIREZ12-Feb-2019
2018Cluster synchronization in networks of structured communitiesArtículoADRIANA RUIZ SILVA; JUAN GONZALO BARAJAS RAMIREZ12-Feb-2019
2018On multistability behavior of unstable dissipative systemsArtículoANDRES ANZO HERNANDEZ; Héctor Eduardo Gilardi Velázquez; Eric Campos Cantón12-Feb-2019
2018Large deviations properties of maximum entropy markov chains from spike trainsArtículoRODRIGO COFRE; CESAR OCTAVIO MALDONADO AHUMADA; Fernando Rosas13-Feb-2019
2018Information entropy production of maximum entropy markov chains from spike trainsArtículoRODRIGO COFRE; CESAR OCTAVIO MALDONADO AHUMADA13-Feb-2019
