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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Jan-2019Analysis of a new begomovirus unveils a composite element conserved in the CP gene promoters of several Geminiviridae genera: Clues to comprehend the complex regulation of late genesArtículoMARIANA CANTU IRIS; GUILLERMO PASTOR PALACIOS; JORGE ARMANDO MAURICIO CASTILLO; BERNARDO BAÑUELOS HERNANDEZ; Jesús Aarón Avalos Calleros; ALEJANDRO JUAREZ REYES; RAFAEL FRANC RIVERA BUSTAMANTE; Gerardo Rafael Argüello Astorga6-Feb-2019
2019Itinerary synchronization between PWL systems coupled with unidirectional linksArtículoANDRES ANZO HERNANDEZ; Eric Campos Cantón; matthew nicol13-Feb-2019
2019Further results on the global continuous control for finite-time and exponential stabilization of constrained-input mechanical systems: desired conservative-force compensation and experimentsArtículoGriselda Ivone Zamora Gómez; Arturo Zavala Río; DANIELA JUANITA LOPEZ ARAUJO; Victor Santibanez22-Feb-2019
Sep-2019Producción de biohidrógeno en un reactor de tanque agitado continuo: Evaluación de los hidrolizados de bagazo de agave obtenidos con enzimas comercialesTesis de maestríaDIANA KARIME OLMOS HERNANDEZ21-Oct-2019
2019Further detrital zircon evidence for peri-Gondwanan blocks in the central Appalachian Piedmont Province, USAArtículoAaron James Martin; Howell Bosbyshell6-Feb-2020
2019Wrinkle ridges on Mercury and the Moon within and outside of masconsArtículoLisa Schleicher; Thomas R Watters; Aaron James Martin; Maria E Banks7-Feb-2020
2019Genome-wide identification of mango (Mangifera indica L.) polygalacturonases: expression analysis of family members and total enzyme activity during fruit ripeningArtículoMITZUKO DAUTT CASTRO; ANDRES GUADALUPE LOPEZ VIRGEN; ADRIAN OCHOA LEYVA; Carmen Arminda Contreras Vergara; ANA PAULINA SORTILLON SORTILLON; MIGUEL ANGEL MARTINEZ TELLEZ; GUSTAVO ADOLFO GONZALEZ AGUILAR; J Sergio Casas Flores; JOSEFA ADRIANA SAÑUDO BARAJAS; David N. Kuhn; María Auxiliadora Islas Osuna28-Apr-2020
2019Silencing of OCH1 unveils the role of Sporothrix schenckii N-linked glycans during the host-fungus interactionArtículoNANCY EDITH LOZOYA PEREZ; J Sergio Casas Flores; José Roberto Fogaça de Almeida; JOSE ASCENCION MARTINEZ ALVAREZ; Luz Adriana López Ramírez; Grasielle Jannuzzi; JOSE ELIAS TRUJILLO ESQUIVEL; EINE ESTRADA MATA; sandro almeida; Bernardo Franco; Leila Maria Lópes Bezerra; HECTOR MANUEL MORA MONTES28-Apr-2020
2019Sequence analysis and confirmation of the type IV pili-associated proteins PilY1, PilW and PilV in Acidithiobacillus thiooxidansArtículoELVIA FRANCISCA ALFARO SALDAÑA; ARACELI HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ; OLGA ARACELI PATRON SOBERANO; MARIZEL GEORGINA ASTELLO GARCIA; José Alfredo Méndez Cabañas; Jessica Viridiana García Meza28-Apr-2020
2019Modulation of caecal microbiome in obese mice associated with administration of amaranth or soybean protein isolatesArtículoDIANA OLGUIN CALDERON; JORGE LUIS GONZALEZ ESCOBAR; ROSALVA RIOS VILLA; ELENA DIBILDOX ALVARADO; Antonio de León Rodríguez; Ana Paulina Barba de la Rosa28-Apr-2020
