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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Sep-2016Output-feedback proportional-integral-derivative-type control with multiple saturating structure for the global stabilization of robot manipulators with bounded inputsArtículoARTURO ZAVALA RIO; Victor Santibanez; Fernando Reyes_Cortes7-Mar-2018
May-2016Finite-time observer-based output-feedback control for the global stabilisation of the PVTOL aircraft with bounded inputsArtículoARTURO ZAVALA RIO; Isabelle Fantoni23-Aug-2018
Jun-2010Global stabilisation of the PVTOL aircraft with lateral force coupling and bounded inputsArtículoDANIELA JUANITA LOPEZ ARAUJO; ARTURO ZAVALA RIO; Isabelle Fantoni23-Aug-2018
Feb-2014Global finite-time stability characterized through a local notion of homogeneityArtículoARTURO ZAVALA RIO; Isabelle Fantoni23-Aug-2018
2011Global trajectory tracking through output feedback for robot manipulators with bounded inputsArtículoArturo Zavala Río; Emeterio Aguiñaga Ruiz; Victor Santibanez7-Feb-2019
2014Global finite-time stability characterized through a local notion of homogeneityArtículoArturo Zavala Río; Isabelle Fantoni21-Feb-2019
2015A generalized global adaptive tracking control scheme for robot manipulators with bounded inputsArtículoDANIELA JUANITA LOPEZ ARAUJO; Arturo Zavala Río; Victor Santibanez; José Fernando Reyes Cortés22-Feb-2019
2016Adaptive tracking control of Euler-Lagrange systems with bounded controlsArtículoDANIELA JUANITA LOPEZ ARAUJO; LUIS ANTONIO LORIA CASTRO; Arturo Zavala Río22-Feb-2019
2018Further advancements on the output-feedback global continuous control for the finite-time and exponential stabilisation of bounded-input mechanical systems: desired conservative-force compensation and experimentsArtículoGriselda Ivone Zamora Gómez; Arturo Zavala Río; DANIELA JUANITA LOPEZ ARAUJO; Emmanuel Nuno; EMMANUEL CRUZ ZAVALA1-Apr-2019
2015A generalised PID-type control scheme with simple tuning for the global regulation of robot manipulators with constrained inputsArtículoMARCO OCTAVIO MENDOZA GUTIERREZ; Arturo Zavala Río; Victor Santibanez; José Fernando Reyes Cortés1-Apr-2019
