Patentes Collection home page
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Publication Type/ Resource Type | Author(s) | Submit Date |
Apr-2017 | Compatibilizer based on interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) for recycling polymer blends | Patente | VLADIMIR ALONSO ESCOBAR BARRIOS; KAREN MARIANA MANCERA GARCIA | 6-Oct-2017 |
Jun-2011 | Material de empaque para biofiltración con base en poliuretano modificado con almidón, metodos para la manufactura del mismo y sistema de biofiltración | Patente | OLGA BRIGIDA GUTIERREZ ACOSTA; VLADIMIR ALONSO ESCOBAR BARRIOS; SONIA LORENA ARRIAGA GARCIA | 5-Oct-2017 |
Apr-2012 | Immobilized redox mediators for the treatment of contaminated waters and gas emissions | Patente | JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ; ALBERTO GARCIA ESPINOSA; MARIA ANTONIETA MORENO REYNOSA; ELIAS RAZO FLORES | 5-Oct-2017 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 3 of 3