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Nuestro repositorio es una Plataforma digital que contiene toda nuestra información académica, científica, tecnológica y de innovación, pertenecientes a los diferentes programas académicos del IPICYT, la cual se encuentra vinculada al Repositorio Nacional del CONACYT.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 2066

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
20122 ¾ dimension modeling of the aeromagnetic anomaly of Volcán de Colima, western MexicoArtículoHECTOR LOPEZ LOERA22-Nov-2017
Apr-20172D-DIGE as a strategy to identify serum biomarkers in Mexican patients with Type-2 diabetes with different body mass indexArtículoErik Elvin Gómez Cardona; Eric Edmundo Hernández Domínguez; AIDA JIMENA VELARDE SALCEDO; Alberto Barrera Pacheco; Agustín Diaz Gois; Antonio de León Rodríguez; Ana Paulina Barba de la Rosa20-Mar-2018
20215-Aza-2′-Deoxycytidine and Valproic Acid in Combination with CHIR99021 and A83-01 Induce Pluripotency Genes Expression in Human Adult Somatic CellsArtículoALAIN JESUS AGUIRRE VAZQUEZ; Luis Antonio Salazar Olivo; XOCHITL NATALIA FLORES PONCE; ANA LETICIA ARRIAGA GUERRERO; Dariela Garza Rodríguez; MARIA ELENA CAMACHO MOLL; Ivan Velasco; FABIOLA CASTORENA TORRES; Nidheesh Dadheech; MARIO ABELARDO BERMUDEZ DE LEON7-Jun-2022
2012A bounded positive nonlinear PI controller for double-pipe heat exchangersArtículoARTURO ZAVALA RIO; CARLOS MANUEL ASTORGA ZARAGOZA; MANUEL ADAM MEDINA; JORGE AURELIO BRIZUELA MENDOZA; OMAR HERNANDEZ GONZALEZ27-Nov-2017
2018A chemical representation of a chaotic system with a unique stable equilibrium pointArtículoJOSE MARTIN MENDEZ GONZALEZ; LUIS ALBERTO QUEZADA TELLEZ; GUILLERMO FERNANDEZ ANAYA; Alejandro Ricardo Femat Flores18-Feb-2020
2018A class of Chua-like systems with only two saddle-foci of different typeArtículoRodolfo de Jesús Escalante González; Héctor Eduardo Gilardi Velázquez; Eric Campos Cantón18-Feb-2020
2018A class of Piecewise Linear Systems without equilibria with 3-D grid multiscroll chaotic attractorsArtículoRodolfo de Jesús Escalante González; Eric Campos Cantón17-Sep-2019
2020A comparative study on effectiveness of soapnut, rhamnolipid and EDTA in cleaning diesel oil contaminated soil from a commercial site in EdinburghArtículoJohn Idika; Elijah Ugwu; NADIA VALENTINA MARTINEZ VILLEGAS; Bhaskar Sen Gupta17-May-2021
2017A competent catalytic active site is necessary for substrate induced dimer assembly in triosephosphate isomeraseArtículoPedro Jiménez Sandoval ; JOSE LUIS VIQUE SANCHEZ; MARISOL LOPEZ HIDALGO; GILBERTO VELAZQUEZ JUAREZ; Corina Diaz Quezada; Luis Fernando Arroyo Navarro; GABRIELA MARGARITA MONTERO MORAN; Juliana Fattori; ALMA JESSICA DIAZ SALAZAR; ENRIQUE RUDIÑO PIÑERA; ROGERIO RAFAEL SOTELO MUNDO; Ana Carolina Figueira; SAMUEL LARA GONZALEZ; CLAUDIA GUADALUPE BENITEZ CARDOZA; Luis G. Brieba13-Feb-2020
2020A Consistent Discretisation method for Stable Homogeneous Systems based on Lyapunov FunctionArtículoTONAMETL SANCHEZ RAMIREZ; Andrey Polyakov; Denis Efimov17-Jun-2021
Oct-2014A dehydrin-dehydrin interaction: the case of SK3 from Opuntia streptacanthaArtículoITZELL EURIDICE HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ; MARIA BEATRIZ PEREZ MORALES; JUAN FRANCISCO JIMENEZ BREMONT7-Dec-2017
2014A different three-port DC/DC converter for standalone PV systemArtículoNIMROD VAZQUEZ NAVA; Carlos Manuel Sanchez; CLAUDIA VERONICA HERNANDEZ GUTIERREZ; ESLI VAZQUEZ NAVA; Luz del Carmen García; JAIME ARAU11-Dec-2017
Dec-2009A dynamic parameter estimator to control chaos with distinct feedback schemesArtículoJUAN ANGEL RODRIGUEZ LIÑAN; JESUS DE LEON MORALES; ALEJANDRO RICARDO FEMAT FLORES; CRESENCIO HERNANDEZ ROSALES27-Oct-2017
2014A family of hyperchaotic multi-scroll attractors in RnArtículoLuis Javier Ortañón García Pimentel; Eric Campos Cantón; Eduardo Jiménez López; Michael Basin7-Feb-2019
2011A family of multimodal dynamic mapsArtículoEric Campos Cantón; Alejandro Ricardo Femat Flores; Alexander Pisarchik13-Feb-2019
2019A first principles systematic study of the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Heusler X2MnZ with X = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au and Z = Al, Si, Ga, Ge, In and SnArtículoJUAN FAUSTINO AGUILERA GRANJA; RODRIGO HUMBERTO AGUILERA DEL TORO; JOSE LUIS MORAN LOPEZ19-Feb-2021
2015A functional assembly of SiO2 nanospheres/graphene oxide composites ArtículoJackeline Iturbe Ek; JONATAN ANDRADE MARTINEZ; Ricardo Gómez; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ3-Apr-2019
2015A generalised PID-type control scheme with simple tuning for the global regulation of robot manipulators with constrained inputsArtículoMARCO OCTAVIO MENDOZA GUTIERREZ; Arturo Zavala Río; Victor Santibanez; José Fernando Reyes Cortés1-Apr-2019
2013A generalized design methodology for the output feedback regulation of a special type of systems with bounded inputsArtículoArturo Zavala Río; ADRIANA AGUILERA GONZALEZ; ALBINO MARTINEZ SIBAJA; CARLOS MANUEL ASTORGA ZARAGOZA; Manuel Adam Medina1-Apr-2019
2015A generalized global adaptive tracking control scheme for robot manipulators with bounded inputsArtículoDANIELA JUANITA LOPEZ ARAUJO; Arturo Zavala Río; Victor Santibanez; José Fernando Reyes Cortés22-Feb-2019