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On the transversality of functions at the core of the transverse function approach to control
Acceso Abierto
Transverse function approach
Weak and strong topologies
Control of nonholonomic systems
"The transverse function approach to control, introduced by Morin and Samson in the early 2000s, is based on functions that are transverse to a set of vector fields in a sense formally similar to, although strictly speaking different from, the classical notion of transversality in differential topology. In this paper, a precise link is established between transversality and the functions used in the transverse function approach. It is first shown that a smooth function f : M -> Q is transverse to a set of vector fields which locally span a distribution D on Q if, and only if, its tangent mapping T f is transverse to D, where D is regarded as a submanifold of the tangent bundle T Q. It is further shown that each of these two conditions is equivalent to transversality of T f to D along the zero section of T M. These results are then used to rigorously state and prove that if M is compact and D is a distribution on Q, then the set of mappings of M into Q that are transverse to D is open in the strong (or "Whitney C (a)-") topology on C (a)(M, Q)."
Lizárraga, D.A. Math. Control Signals Syst. (2011) 23: 177. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00498-011-0067-6
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Aparece en las colecciones: Publicaciones Científicas Control y Sistemas Dinámicos

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