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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Jul-2013Relevancia funcional de los nectarios extraflorales de Cylindropuntia imbricata (Grifth) (Cactaceae)Tesis de maestríaMELISSA KARINA AVILA ARGAEZ-
Jun-2016Effects of spine-shading on aspects of photosynthesis for three cactus speciesArtículoEDILIA DE LA ROSA MANZANO; JOEL DAVID FLORES RIVAS; PABLO DELGADO SANCHEZ5-Mar-2018
Apr-2017Germination characteristics of Gymnocalycium monvillei (Cactaceae) along its entire altitudinal rangeArtículokaren bauk; JOEL DAVID FLORES RIVAS; REYES MANUEL PEREZ SANCHEZ; Maria Laura Las Peñas; Diego E. Gurvich27-Aug-2018
2016Effect of induced global warming on survival and performance of succulent species from Southern Chihuahuan DesertTesis de doctoradoJosé Luis Aragón Gastelum10-Apr-2019
2014Induced climate change impairs photosynthetic performance in Echinocactus platyacanthus, an especially protected Mexican cactus speciesArtículoJosé Luis Aragón Gastelum; Joel David Flores Rivas; LAURA YAÑEZ ESPINOSA; ERNESTO IVAN BADANO; Hugo Magdaleno Ramírez Tobias; Juan Pablo Rodas Ortíz; CLAUDIA GONZALEZ SALVATIERRA4-Sep-2019
2015Are seed mass and seedling size and shape related to altitude? Evidence in Gymnocalycium monvillei (Cactaceae)Artículokaren bauk; Reyes Manuel Pérez Sánchez; Sebastián Rodolfo Zeballos; Maria Laura Las Peñas; Joel David Flores Rivas; Diego E. Gurvich3-Sep-2019
2017Combined effect of water potential and temperature on seed germination and seedling development of cacti from a mesic Argentine ecosystemArtículoDiego E. Gurvich; Reyes Manuel Pérez Sánchez; karen bauk; ENRIQUE JURADO YBARRA; Maria Cecilia Ferrero; Guillermo Funes; Joel David Flores Rivas4-Sep-2019
2011Germinación de especies de cactáceas en categoría de riesgo del desierto chihuahuenseArtículoJoel David Flores Rivas; ENRIQUE JURADO YBARRA11-Sep-2019
2021Seasonal ecophysiological variations of Echinocactus platyacanthus, a specially protected cactus species: Effect of induced climate warmingArtículoJosé Luis Aragón Gastelum; LAURA YAÑEZ ESPINOSA; Jorge Enrique Ramírez Albores; CLAUDIA GONZALEZ SALVATIERRA; Joel David Flores Rivas6-Jun-2022
2022Physiological ecology of Mexican CAM plants: history, progress, and opportunitiesArtículoJoel David Flores Rivas; Oscar Briones Villareal; JOSE LUIS ANDRADE14-Feb-2024
