Publicaciones Científicas Ciencias Ambientales Collection home page


Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 413
Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2022Interaction between plants growing together from germination to 2 years: A test of competition and phylogenetic closeness for Northeastern MexicoArtículoENRIQUE JURADO YBARRA; Joel David Flores Rivas; Jonathan Marroquín; MARISELA PANDO MORENO; DAVID ALBERTO RODRIGUEZ TRAPERO; Humberto González Rodríguez; José Alejandro Selvera Mancha; Juan Ángel López Carmona22-Feb-2024
2022Autotrophic denitrification of nitrate rich wastewater in fluidized bed reactors using pyrite and elemental sulfur as electron donorsArtículoMaria Federica Carboni; Simon Mills; SONIA LORENA ARRIAGA GARCIA; Gavin Collins; Umer Zeeshan Ijaz; Piet Nicolaas Luc Lens21-Feb-2024
2022Carbamazepine degradation by visible-light-driven photocatalyst Ag3PO4/GO: Mechanism and pathwayArtículoGuanhan Chen; Wenyi Dong; Hongjie Wang; Zilong Zhao; Feng Wang; Feifei Wang; César Nieto Delgado21-Feb-2024
2022Shopping for Ecological Indices? On the Use of Incidence-Based Species Compositional Similarity MeasuresArtículoIAN MACGREGOR FORS; FEDERICO ESCOBAR SARRIA; JUAN FERNANDO ESCOBAR IBAÑEZ; NATALIA MESA SIERRA; FREDY ALEXANDER ALVARADO ROBERTO; Rafael Rueda Hernández; CLAUDIA ELIZABETH MORENO ORTEGA; Ina Falfán; ERICK JOAQUIN CORRO MENDEZ; Eduardo Octavio Pineda Arredondo; Amandine Bourg; JOSE LUIS AGUILAR LOPEZ15-Feb-2024
2022Data for the synthesis, characterization, and use of xerogels as adsorbents for the removal of fluoride and bromide in aqueous phaseArtículoNAHUM ANDRES MEDELLIN CASTILLO; ELIZABETH DIANE ISAACS PAEZ; Liliana Giraldo Gutiérrez; JUAN CARLOS MORENO-PIRAJAN; ITZIA RODRIGUEZ MENDEZ; SIMON YOBANNY REYES LOPEZ; JAIME REYES HERNANDEZ; SONIA JUDITH SEGOVIA SANDOVAL14-Feb-2024
2022Physiological ecology of Mexican CAM plants: history, progress, and opportunitiesArtículoJoel David Flores Rivas; Oscar Briones Villareal; JOSE LUIS ANDRADE14-Feb-2024
2022Seed integrity, effect of temperature and storage time on germination of Populus luziarum and P. primaveralepensis, endangered subtropical species from MexicoArtículoCésar Jacobo Pereira; MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑIZ CASTRO; JOSE ANTONIO VAZQUEZ GARCIA; Joel David Flores Rivas; ALEJANDRO MUÑOZ URIAS; FRANCISCO MARTIN HUERTA MARTINEZ14-Feb-2024
2022Lactic acid fermentation of food waste at acidic conditions in a semicontinuous system: effect of HRT and OLR changesArtículoSimone Pau; Lea Chua Tan; SONIA LORENA ARRIAGA GARCIA; Piet N. L. Lens23-Nov-2023
2022What is a biocrust? A refined, contemporary definition for a broadening research communityArtículoBettina Weber; Jayne Belnap; Burkhard Budel; Anita J. Antoninka; Nichole N. Barger; Veer Bala Chaudhary; Anthony Darrouzet Nardi; David Eldridge; Akasha M. Faist; Scott Ferrenberg; Caroline A. Havrilla; Elisabeth Huber Sannwald; Oumarou MALAM ISSA; Fernando T Maestre; Sasha C. Reed; Emilio Rodriguez-Caballero; Colin Tucker; Kristina E. Young; Yuanming Zhang; Yunge Zhao; Xiaobing Zhou; Matthew Bowker23-Nov-2023
2022Landscape attributes shape dung beetle diversity at multiple spatial scales in agricultural drylandsArtículoAnderson Estupiñan Mojica; Carolina Nunes Liberal; Braulio Santos; Celia C. C. Machado; Helder Farias Pereira De Araujo; JUAN JOSE VON THADEN UGALDE; FREDY ALEXANDER ALVARADO ROBERTO23-Nov-2023
2022Preparation of carbon materials from chromium-tanned leather shavings for the removal of dyes from aqueous solutionArtículoJavier Antonio Arcibar Orozco; BERTHA SILVIA BARAJAS ELIAS; Hazael Baltazar Campos; JOSE RENE RANGEL MENDEZ23-Nov-2023
2022The value of biotic pollination and dense forest for fruit set of Arabica coffee: A global assessmentArtículoCeline Moreaux; Desiree Ayume Lopes Meireles; Jesper Sonne; ERNESTO IVAN BADANO; Alice Claßen; Adrian González Chaves; Juliana Hipólito; Alexandra-Maria Klein; Pietro Kiyoshi Maruyama Mendonça; Jean Paul Metzger; Stacy Philpott; Carsten Rahbek; Fernanda Teixeira Saturni; Tuanjit Sritongchuay; Teja Tscharntke; Shinsuke Uno; CARLOS HERNAN VERGARA BRICEÑO; Blandina Felipe Viana; Niels Strange; Bo Dalsgaard16-Nov-2023
2022Experimental drought on seedlings in a canopy gap and understory of a tropical cloud forest, Veracruz, MexicoArtículoERIKA AVRIL MANRIQUE ASCENCIO; María Guadalupe Williams Linera; ERNESTO IVAN BADANO16-Nov-2023
2021Efecto del calentamiento inducido en la supervivencia y crecimiento de epífitas: Evidencia experimental en Tillandsia recurvata (Bromeliaceae) en el sur del desierto ChihuahuenseTesis de doctoradoFRANCISCO JAVIER PEREZ NOYOLA20-Sep-2022
2019Microbial processes driven by the redox capacity of natural organic matter suppress the emission of greenhouse gases in wetland sedimentsTesis de doctoradoEdgardo Iván Valenzuela Reyes14-Sep-2022
2019Denitrification of metallurgical wastewater in a novel anaerobic swirling fluidized membrane bioreactorTesis de doctoradoJUAN ERNESTO RAMIREZ JUAREZ14-Sep-2022
2019Factores que influyen en la ocupación de hábitat en la temporada de reproducción del gorrión de Worthen (Spizella wortheni) en el Altiplano PotosinoTesis de maestríaMARTHA VALERIA VELAZQUEZ ALVAREZ13-Sep-2022
2021Antilymphoma Effect of Incomptine A: In Vivo, In Silico, and Toxicological StudiesArtículoFernando Calzada; FRANCISCO ELIHU BAUTISTA REDONDA; SERGIO NEMORIO HIDALGO FIGUEROA; NORMAND GARCIA HERNANDEZ; REYNA ELIZABETH BARBOSA CABRERA; Claudia Velázquez; ROSA MARIA ORDOÑEZ RAZO; Angel Giovanni Arietta García9-Jun-2022
2021Shared pollinators and sequential flowering phenologies in two sympatric cactus speciesArtículoERIKA ARROYO PEREZ; CECILIA LEONOR JIMENEZ SIERRA; José Alejandro Zavala Hurtado; Joel David Flores Rivas7-Jun-2022
2021A global assessment of the potential distribution of naturalized and planted populations of the ornamental alien treeArtículoJorge Enrique Ramírez Albores; David Richardson; Valdir Stefenon; Gustavo A. Bizama; MARLIN PEREZ SUAREZ; ERNESTO IVAN BADANO7-Jun-2022
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 413