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Results 31-40 of 347 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Mar-2008Pattern formation by two precipitated species during solvent evaporationArtículoGERARDO LARA CISNEROS; ABIGAIL LOREDO OSTI; ALEJANDRO RICARDO FEMAT FLORES; Elias Perez24-Oct-2017
2007PI-controlled bioreactor as a generalized Liénard systemArtículoVRANI IBARRA JUNQUERA; HARET CODRATIAN ROSU18-Aug-2017
2006Talbot effect for dispersion in linear optical fibers and a wavelet approachArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU; JUAN PABLO TREVIÑO GUTIERREZ; HUGO CABRERA IBARRA21-Aug-2017
2006Supersymmetric free-damped oscillators: adaptive observer estimation of the Riccati parameterArtículoVRANI IBARRA JUNQUERA; HARET CODRATIAN ROSU; OCTAVIO CORNEJO PEREZ21-Aug-2017
2009An amplitude-phase (Ermakov–Lewis) approach for the Jackiw–Pi model of bilayer grapheneArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU21-Aug-2017
2006Travelling-wave solutions for Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equations through factorizationsArtículoOCTAVIO CORNEJO PEREZ; HARET CODRATIAN ROSU21-Aug-2017
2005Nonlinear software sensor for monitoring genetic regulation processes with noise and modeling errorsArtículoVRANI IBARRA JUNQUERA; LUIS ADOLFO TORRES GONZALEZ; HARET CODRATIAN ROSU; GERARDO RAFAEL ARGUELLO ASTORGA24-Aug-2017
Jun-2009On modeling and control of Multilevel Converters and PLL algorithms.Tesis de doctoradoMISAEL FRANCISCO MARTINEZ MONTEJANO18-Sep-2017
2006Inferring mixed-culture growth from total biomass data in a wavelet approachArtículoVRANI IBARRA JUNQUERA; MARIA DEL PILAR ESCALANTE MINAKATA; HARET CODRATIAN ROSU22-Aug-2017
2003Linear second-order differential equations for barotropic FRW cosmologiesArtículoHARET CODRATIAN ROSU; OCTAVIO CORNEJO PEREZ14-Sep-2017
