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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2013Understanding the adsorptive and photoactivity properties of Ag-graphene oxide nanocompositesArtículoREINALDO DAVID MARTINEZ OROZCO; HARET CODRATIAN ROSU; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ18-Sep-2017
2015The role of silver nanoparticles functionalized on TiO2 for photocatalytic disinfection of harmful algaeArtículoSoo Wohn Lee; Sergio Obregón; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ14-Dec-2017
2015Photoanodes modified with reduced graphene oxide to enhance photoelectrocatalytic performance of B-TiO2 under visible lightArtículoAngel M Meléndez; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ15-Dec-2017
2015Effective photoreduction of a nitroaromatic environmental endocrine disruptor by AgNPs functionalized on nanocrystalline TiO2ArtículoAGILEO HERNANDEZ GORDILLO; Sergio Obregón; FRANCISCO PARAGUAY DELGADO; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ13-Dec-2017
Aug-2017Ag-coated heterostructures of ZnO-TiO2/delaminated montmorillonite as solar photocatalystsArtículoCarolina Belver; MARIANA HINOJOSA REYES; Jorge Bedia; Montserrat Tobajas Vizcaino; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ; Juan José Rodríguez Jiménez4-Jul-2018
2017H2Ti3O7 nanotubes decorated with silver nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of atenololArtículoMARIANA HINOJOSA REYES; ROBERTO CAMPOSECO SOLIS; FACUNDO RUIZ; NEREYDA NIÑO MARTINEZ; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ; MARTHA EUGENIA COMPEAN JASSO21-Aug-2018
2016Antifungal nanocomposites inspired by titanate nanotubes for complete inactivation of botrytis cinerea isolated from tomato infectionArtículoVICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ; RUTH BELINDA DOMINGUEZ ESPINDOLA; J Sergio Casas Flores; OLGA ARACELI PATRON SOBERANO; ROBERTO CAMPOSECO SOLIS; Soo Wohn Lee6-Feb-2019
2016Gold-TiO2-Nickel catalysts for low temperature-driven CO oxidation reactionArtículoMARIANA HINOJOSA REYES; Rodolfo Zanella; VIRIDIANA MATURANO ROJAS; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ7-Feb-2019
2017Hydrogen production by tailoring the brookite and Cu2O ratio of sol-gel Cu-TiO2 photocatalystsArtículoMARIANA HINOJOSA REYES; ROBERTO CAMPOSECO SOLIS; Rodolfo Zanella; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ12-Feb-2019
2015Silver nanoparticles loaded on Cu-doped TiO2 for the effective reduction of nitro-aromatic contaminantsArtículoAgileo Hernández Gordillo; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ12-Feb-2019
