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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2020One-Pot Synthesis of Anatase, Rutile-Decorated Hydrogen Titanate Nanorods by Yttrium Doping for Solar H2 ProductionArtículoSovann khan; Hiroshi Ikari; Norihiro Suzuki; Kazuya Nakata; Chiaki Terashima; Akira Fujishima; Ken-ichi Katsumata; VICENTE RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ25-Feb-2021
2020Semiconducting Nanocrystalline Bismuth Oxychloride (BiOCl) for Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2ArtículoDALIA VERONICA SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ; ALMA BERENICE JASSO SALCEDO; Niklas Hedin; Tamara L. Church; Aitor Aizpuru; VLADIMIR ALONSO ESCOBAR BARRIOS25-Mar-2021
2020Phase transformation and magnetocaloric effect of Co-doped Mn–Ni–In melt-spun ribbonsArtículoYiqiao Yang; Zongbin Li; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; JOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Bo Yang; Yudong Zhang; Claude Esling; Xiang Zhao; Liang Zuo26-Mar-2021
2020Heterojunction of CuO nanoclusters with TiO2 for photo-oxidation of organic compounds and for hydrogen productionArtículoMaría Guadalupe Méndez Medrano; Ewa Kowalska; Bunsho Ohtani; DANIEL BAHENA URIBE; Christophe Colbeau Justin; Sven Rau; JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ LOPEZ; Hynd Remita26-Mar-2021
2020Relativistic Rotating Electromagnetic FieldsArtículoHECTOR VARGAS RODRIGUEZ; Luis Armando Gallegos Infante; MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑIZ TORRES; Haret Codratian Rosu; PAULINO JAVIER DOMINGUEZ CHAVEZ15-Apr-2021
2020Pyrrolic nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes using ball-milled slag-SiC mixtures as a catalyst by aerosol assisted chemical vapor depositionArtículoSOFIA MAGDALENA VEGA DIAZ; VIVIANA JEHOVA GONZALEZ VELAZQUEZ; Aarón Morelos Gómez; FERDINANDO TRISTAN LOPEZ; GLADIS JUDITH LABRADA DELGADO; BEATRIZ ADRIANA RIVERA ESCOTO; ROQUE SANCHEZ SALAS; ALEJANDRO JAVIER CORTES LOPEZ; JUAN LUIS FAJARDO DIAZ; FLORENTINO LOPEZ URIAS; MAURICIO TERRONES MALDONADO; Emilio Muñoz Sandoval20-Apr-2021
2020Investigation of a Ti-30Zr binary alloy fabricated through spark plasma sinteringArtículoJorge Chávez; Luis Olmos; Omar Jimenez; FRANCISCO ALVARADO HERNANDEZ; Horacio Flores Zúñiga; JUAN PABLO RAMON CAMARILLO GARCIA; SANTIAGO JOSE GUEVARA MARTINEZ20-Apr-2021
2020Magnetocaloric effect in ErNi2 melt-spun ribbonsArtículoJOSE LUIS SANCHEZ LLAMAZARES; Pablos Jesús Ibarra Gaytán; CESAR FIDEL SANCHEZ VALDES; David Ríos Jara; Pablo Álvarez Alonso20-Apr-2021
2020High-pressure characterization of multifunctional CrVO4ArtículoPablo Botella Vives; SINHUE LOPEZ MORENO; Daniel Errandonea; Francisco Javier Manjon; Juan Angel Sans Tresserras; David Vie; Alberto Vomiero20-Apr-2021
2020Factorization of the Riesz-Feller Fractional Quantum Harmonic OscillatorsArtículoHaret Codratian Rosu; Stefan C. Mancas20-Apr-2021
